05 December 2005

Frames, frames and more frames

If you're at all interesting in how science is used and abused by those behind the curtain, check out Framing Science, a new blog by journalist Matthew C. Nisbet. Thanks to Chris Mooney for drawing my attention to it.

"Framing" is an old idea that has found new currency thanks to linguist George Lakoff's Don't Think of an Elephant: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate (A Progressive Guide to Action), a short treatise that explains why the neo-cons have been able to convince middle-class American voters to support policies that undercut their own interests. Now Nesbit is applying the frame analysis to science. To wit:
At FRAMING SCIENCE we track how political strategists, scientists, and the news media selectively define science in ways that shape policy decisions, public opinion, and political culture. We apply “framing analysis” to understand the social meanings behind technical controversies (and sometimes we will look at other areas of politics.) Frame analysis is an incredibly useful invention of the social sciences, diffusing across a number of academic disciplines. Frames are used on an everyday basis by political operatives, journalists, and average citizens (though they may not realize it.)

It looks promising.


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